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Cost of heating in a business

For most companies, heating accounts for 30% of operating expenses.

Boiler replacement and insulation work is heavy and expensive work that often takes many years, resulting in skyrocketing energy bills and frequent discomfort in these buildings. Snugr requires little or no work and therefore offers a very attractive return on investment.

Snugr Aeroterms

Vous avez de nombreuses pièces, avec des tailles et des occupations différentes?

Snugr vous apporte la maîtrise de la température de chaque pièce, à la minute et au degré près. Snugr est compatible avec votre installation de chauffage existante et peut gérer les différentes sources de chaleur: radiateurs, chauffage sol, aérothèrmes, radiateurs électriques...

Gestion du chauffage dans un entrepôt

Snugr reduces heating bills by up to 40%.

by precisely controlling the temperature of each room and avoiding unnecessary heating. One touch of the finger and the heating is switched off. It will be automatically restarted to ensure the desired temperature during the next period of occupancy of the room.

I would like to know how much money Snugr can save me.

Snugr: Centralized heating management and optimization

With Snugr's intelligent valves and thermostat, you control the temperature of each room, independently and to the exact degree.

Configure heating schedules adapted to the occupancy of your buildings from anywhere and with ease.
Snugr allows you to manage each heating circuit and each room individually.


Does your company have a room reservation tool or shared calendars?